Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 3 - Yaounde

January 9, 2011
Day started out cool. Went for a walk with Meriam (volunteer from Montreal). She was at Squid training in Ottawa where she continually wound up balls of wool. We were looking for the VSO office and got lost. On the way back we met a strange man dressed in traditional African garb. He kept telling me he could see in my face I have a good heart and that much luck would come to me. I guess he didn’t know about my luggage. Finally he tried to hit me up for a donation. We thanked him didn't give him donation and walked away back to the hotel.
Market not busy on a Sunday. Lots of people in Sunday best African clothes (very colourful).
Later on went for a walk to find an outside restaurant with the French Canadian contingent of volunteers (Jean-Marie and his wife Dianne, Ayline, Huguette and Helene. Found a small outside restaurant next to a bakery. Had a Sable cookie, fish and a gelatinous substance made from the root of the Manioc.
The manioc is ground up to a powder and then is made into a pasta. It is served everywhere in Yaounde (not much taste but great with a hot sauce.
Set on a quest by myself to find the Expresso Cafe (Internet Cafe). Had a piece of fresh pineapple along the way. Amazing - cool and sweet. Trek to the Expresso Cafe not so cool and sweet. Sun is high and hot. Memo to myself - stay out of the sun between 1:00 to 3:00. Made it to the Cafe hot and exhausted. Had a cool bottle of water and an Americano cafe. Used the internet and relaxed. Trip back to the hotel a lot easier, downhill and no blazing sun. Back at the hotel collapsed on the bed. Afternoon siesta time.

Supper with English volunteers (Hafren, Mags and Rosey) Dutch Volunteers (Muns, Han, Florian and Mira). Had crevettes (baby shrimps) and plantain. Yummy but extremely small portion. Back at the hotel Muns lent me 2 T-shirts. Yea I have a new wardrobe. Sure hope my baggage arrives soon.

Day 2 - Yaounde

January 8, 2011

Breakfast with some of the volunteers at the hotel. First breakfast pretty standard, Omelette Nature and cafe.
Went to the super market for toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. Just the staples.
Next I went to the market to haggle for underwear. I bought 2 pair for 650 cfa (about $1.50). Not bad for my first negotiation.
Walked around and found an internet cafe. Coffee about 1500 cfa and 300 cfa for 15 minutes of internet. Internet in hotel not working. No one seems to know why its not working or when it will work again.
Lunched at a Chinese food restaurant. Hot and Sour soup and petit currie triangle (Samosa). Everyone split up. Some volunteers continued walking, some went back to the hotel and some took a cab to the Petite Musee and Benedictine Monastery. I went to Monastery/Museum.

 There was a small amount of African art but most notable was the peaceful/tranquil atmosphere.
The museum/Monastery is located at the top of a mountain overlooking Yaounde.
Lots of lizards and roosters.

Took a taxi back to the hotel. Later in the afternoon went to two internet cafes with my laptop. First one closed, second one no wifi. Shower and siesta before supper. Met in hotel lobby with all volunteers. Found an outside restaurant blaring out African rhythms. Had beer, chicken and the ever popular plantain frites. After meal went inside to listen to the entertainment. It was also African music called Biskoutee. It was a combination of Latin American – Caribbean rhythms. Very fast with lots of arms waving around.

Not bad for first full day in Yaounde

Day 1 - Yaounde

January 7, 2011
Landed at Yaounde airport. Luggage nowhere to be seen. Other people missing luggage too. Not just me.
Met by two VSO people Menge and Yusuf. Met other volunteers from Canada. Very diverse people. Quebec City, Halifax, Vancouver and North West Territories.
Ride back to hotel amazing. Streets filled with people. Heat, humidity and smells very strong.
Definitely not in Canada.

VSO gave us welcome kit. Bottle of water, cold and refreshing, flashlight, mosquito net and agenda.
Given 6 x 10,000 francs for meals. (10,000 cfa = $20.00) Only problem $10,000 bill not easy to cash.
Staying at Hotel Meumi. Room is ok. All the basics. Clean bed, air conditioning and shower. No 50” plasma TV

Went for dinner with Sara, a volunteer from North West Territories. Native Cameroon dish Ndole Poulet Fume. It was spicy creamy spinach-like dish poured over chicken Very different - very bitter taste.
Back to the hotel. Head was still spinning.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Adventure Begins

January 1, 2011
Arrived at airport baggage in hand.
Starbucks Latte to start trip
Toronto to  Montreal. 2.5 hour delay in Montreal
Montreal to Brussells
Watched 3 movies. Middle Men, Town, Life As We Know It
Starbucks Latte in Brussells
Brussells to Amsterdam
No Latte. Skyped Jen and the kids
Amsterdam to Glasgow 
No royal greeting. I had to search for the welcoming committee.
I finally made it. Can relax for a bit.