Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pin Cushion Final

December 24, 2010
Final 2 needles.
Rabies (3 of 3)
Hep A and Hep B (3 of 3)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pin Cushion Part 3

December 15, 2010
Rabies # 2

Pin Cushion Part 2

December 8, 2010
Hep A & Hep B # 2
Rabies # 1
Mosquito Net and Repellent.


December 2, 2010
Arrived in Ottawa. Staying at the Embassy Hotel.

December 3, 2010
Walked to CUSO/VSO. Quite a walk. Thank you Second Cup need those Lattes.
Introduction to other CUSO volunteers. They are from all over Canada and US.
There were four volunteers to Cameroon. Three meeting Facilitators start the Intercultural Learning Experience.
Another medical briefing. This one with Dr. Wise. Quite humourous.
Long Walk back to hotel.

December 4, 2010
Another brisk walk to CUSO/VSO. Another Latte.
SQUID exercises very interesting. Lots of interaction with other volunteers. Exercises were both entertaining and informative.

December 5, 2010
Walk, Latte etc.
Highlights facilitative session (what loved ones would not want to hear) Met country resource person.
Finally felt less apprehensive. key points don't talk politics and watch who you support at soccer games.

December 6, 2010
Great exercise this walking. Must do it more often.
More enjoyable sessions. (Bridge Building). Met with Volunteer Adviser.

December 7, 2010
Drove in today. Last SQUID day. One good session on negotiating. Used Good Cop/Bad Cop approach.
I was the good Cop. Said goodbyes to everybody and promised to stay in touch.

Pin Cushion Part 1

December 1, 2010
I have started the vaccination process. I feel like the proverbial pin cushion.
Yellow Fever
Hep A &amp B
Meningitis (Thank god for spell checkers)
Meeting with Travel Doctor quite ironic. He is talking to me about being a high risk traveller.
I am checking out his computer as he is talking to me. His computer has about ten viruses.
Should have worked a Quid Pro Quo with him.
Need two more visits.